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HF stud farm would like to say big THANKS to all who helped and attended the 5th year of foals christening.




Ruminka with Nikol Raidlova won three times at the L dressage level in Tesanky. Jana Losakova also won with Rimpotchet at the S level. Jana with Conection was placed 5th, 3t and 2nd at S dressage level and overall is placed 5th at the Novice Cup. The best 10 couples will get to the Novice Cup final on the 9th September. Fngers crossed, Jana!!

Dressage content in Tesanky was a great success:

DD L level: Ruminka HF with Nikol were placed 1st, Jana with Rimpotchet HF were placed 3rd, Ramirez HF with Nikol placed 4th

DJ L level: Jana with Rimpotchet placed 1st, Nikol with Ruminka placed 2nd, and Nikol with Ramirez placed 4th

JU level S: Jana with Conection were placed 3rd and both were placed 2nd in JU S level.



31.5. 2011
Alfred HF won the performance test of 3 years old stallions. There were 18 stalliaons in total so this is a great achievement. Alfred HF is after All My Dreams and Felly after Radegast. This stallion is for sale.
27.5. 2011
Standa Hosak won the show jumping content in Ostrava with Barcan, Albert HF and Bolinia. Uncredible! Congratulation.
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