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21.5. 2011
Ales Fiala with Zuzana Pluschkova and horses Simon and Irs Colfrey won the first round of charioteer show in Troubelice. Tereza Fialovan with Standa Fiala and horses Sindy and Frod HF were placed 2nd. Well done.
11.5. 2011
Ruminka HF Alkapet with rider Stanislav Hosak was placed second at the KMK jumping show in Brno. It is a great achievement, because the couple was placed high at the dressage competition only 4 days ago. Well done.
7.5. 2011

This day was very successful. HF stud farm dressage team attended dressage content in Trojanovice.

Z level: Nikol with Ramirez placed 2nd and with Ruminka placed 4th

L level: Nikol and Ramirez placed 3rd and with Ruminka placed 6th.

Jana Losakova with Rimpotchet dominated the whole content as she won with 67,7%


8.4. 2011

Danken and Irs Colfrey have been registered in a stud book. Irs achieved 9 points out of 10 and Danken 8,63 points out of 10.

Irs Colfrey is the first stud stallion under 125 cm registered in a stud book!

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Tento den se uskutečnilo Finále moravského vozatajského poháru v Trojanovicích do kterého postoupil Aleš Fiala s přísedící Michaelou Markovou a koňmi Šimonem a Irs Colfreyem. Ve finále se naší zástupci v kategorii pony dvojspřeží umístili na druhém místě.

video 1.kolo, video 2.kolo

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