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Jenifer HF won the performance criterion on the 23rd Septemberin Zivotice u Noveho Jicina and achieved 8.7 points out of 10. The second was Dagmarka with 8.63 points and third was Tifany with 8.36 points. Our Hannoverian mare called Radana HF also achieved a good result with 7.43 points and ended the 7th. CONGRATULATIONS :)

Jenifer HF video free jump, video dressage, video jumping 1, video jumping 2.

Dagmarka video free jump, video dressage, video jumping 1, video jumping 2.

Tifany video free jump.

Radanna HF video free jump, video dressage, video jumping 1, video jumping 2.


Videos of mares at the performance criterion day in Zivotice u NIveho Jicina:

1. Radana HF video

2. Dark Muffin video

3. Taffy-FG video

4. Presta video

5. Tifany video

6. Jenifer HF video

7. Samanta Lancelot-O video

8. Trnka video

9. Dagmarka video


Our breeding stallion Ramirez HF with his rider Nikol Raidlova will be competing at the final KMK in dressage on 25th and 26th September in Prague. Ramirez HF will be presenting the category of 5 years old stallions. We wish the couple good luck :)
The performance criterion of three years old mares will take place on the 23rd September at the Stud farm owned by Standa Hosak and Jana Losakova in Zivotice u Noveho Jicina. The 'kick off' is planned at 10 am. We would like to invite all horse breeders and horse lovers :)
Final KMK took place in Ptyrov on 4th and 5th of September. Rico HF was placed 11th in the category of 5 years old stallions. JUdita HF was placed 9th in the category of 6 years old mares. Both horses were ridden by Standa Hosak. Dagmarka owned by Jana Losakova was 3rd in the category of 3 years old mares. WE were asked by SCHCT to present our breeding stallion Radegast with his offsprings together with Radegast's granddaughter Dagmarka who is a daughter of Federweiser. Standa Hosak was announced as the best presenter of the show!! HF Stud Farm would like to thank the organisators including Mrs. Buzkova and Mr. Voks for a professional approach and treatment.
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